Makelangelo inkscape gcode
Makelangelo inkscape gcode

makelangelo inkscape gcode

If direction is inverted, invert the coil wiring, or just setup grbl to invert the axis direction. Once again, if you do not know the motors wiring, you have just have to pay attention to pair each coil and then connect to the EasyDriver motor output. EasyDriver is a Allegro A3967 based driver board. The two motors are small stepper, to drive the motors, two EasyDriver stepper driver are used. A standard 80mm x 80mm pc brushless fan is installed to clear the smoke, this prevents the laser optics lens to be clouded. You could also use a LM317 to build a simple laser driver, there are many schematics around here, that exaplains how to build one. Laser diode has to be drive with a proper driver, to run mine, i've used a small and cheap LM358 based adjustable driver, capable of 10mA to 400mA, it also comes with a TTL input pin to enable or disable the laser. One simple method I use is to power up the diode with a 1.8 to 2.2v current, just for a little amount of time, let's say 1s, if it sucks current, that wiring is the laser diode pinout. If the diode you are using has no mark, and you do not know the diode pinout, you have to find the laser cathode and anode. Laser diode usually has three pins, one is the common ground, laser and photodiode cathode (-), one the laser diode anode (+), the other is the monitor photodiode anode(+). In CD-ROM and DVD-ROM you could also find IR driver, DVD laser writer diode will be a little more powerfull than the CD one.

makelangelo inkscape gcode

The laser used is a red laser diode, taken apart from the DVD-ROM writer optics. You must never look into the working diode even without the lens or point it on a reflective surface. Warning! Laser diodes drive are emitting visible and invisible laser radiation and they are extremely dangerous! Their light can permanently damage the eyes. I know, there is nothing new in the project i posted here, this is just my implementation of a pretty usefull tool. With this hardware the engraving area are will be almost 38mm x 38mm. For the engraving laser i use the CD-ROM writer laser.

makelangelo inkscape gcode

The X/Y positioning system it is build using the CD-ROM motor assembly. To build this tool I've used two old CD-ROM writer that lays around in my garage. 38mm x 38mm Laser Engraver build using CD-ROM/Writer on ATmega328pĪ laser engraving machine, is a tool that uses lasers to engrave an object.

Makelangelo inkscape gcode